A print brochure of this event is available for those interested in paying by check and/or registering by mail. NHASP spring conf 2016.pdf
Empirical research on reading acquisition and reading disabilities over the last two decades has much to offer practicing school psychologists. Research on orthographic memory (how we remember the words we read) sheds light on the nature and causes of word-level reading disabilities.
Participants will learn how to identify why student struggle in reading. Research will be presented that shows that most reading difficulties can be prevented and corrected.
The first 75 online registrations can purchase Dr. Kilpatrick’s new book, Essentials of Assessing, Preventing, and Overcoming Reading Difficulties (2015), for the conference discounted price of $28.50. Please note, this discount is only available through this website.
Over the course of this workshop, participants will:
1) Be able to describe what research has shown about how word-level reading skills develop
2) Identify different ways in which some students struggle in word-level reading, including those with severe reading disabilities
3) Delineate how to most effectively evaluate students to determine precisely why they are not responding to instruction in reading.
4) Be able to implement highly effective approaches to preventing and correcting reading difficulties

David Kilpatrick received his PhD in school psychology from Syracuse University in 1994. He has been a practicing school psychologist with the East Syracuse-Minoa School District since 1989. He has taught courses in learning disabilities and educational psychology for the State University of New York, College at Cortland since 1994, where he has worked full time since 2006.
He has completed over 1000 evaluations on students with reading difficulties and disabilities. Also, he has conducted research studies on reading with hundreds of both typically developing reading and struggling readers. Dr. Kilpatrick is the author of Essentials of Assessing, Preventing, and Overcoming Reading Difficulties (2015) and Equipped for Reading Success: A Comprehensive, Step-by-Step Program for Developing Phonemic Awareness and Fluent Word Recognition (2015).
7:45am: Registration Opens
8:30am-10:00am: Conference Session I
10am: Morning Break
10:15-noon: Conference Session II
Noon: Lunch
1pm-2:00pm: Conference Session III
2:00: Afternoon Break
2:15-3:30pm: Conference Session IV
3:30pm: Conference Ends
(Registration fee includes continental breakfast, morning and afternoon snack, and lunch. If you have specific dietary needs, please indicate this when you register. You can also contact NHASP President, Christina Flanders, with questions.)
Continuing Education Credit |
NHASP is a NASP-approved provider of CPD hours and Certificates of Attendance will be accepted toward NCSP. A total of 5.5 CPD credits will be awarded for this event.
The target audience for this intermediate level workshop includes school psychologists, psychologists, special education teachers, regular education teachers, speech and language pathologists, school counselors, and school administrators.
All registrations must be prepaid. Payment receipt will be sent to address provided upon request. Purchase orders will not be accepted for this event. Cancellations received prior to March 18, 2016 will be refunded less a 5% administrative fee. No refunds will be provided for cancellations received after 5pm on Friday, March 18, 2016. In case of inclement weather, notification of postponement will be made by email as soon as possible.
Please click here to register online.
If you have questions about registration, please contact NHASP President Christina Flanders.
If you would like to register completely on paper and/or pay for your registration by check, please print this brochure.
The conference will be held at the Grappone Conference Center in Concord, NH.
The address is:
70 Constitution Ave
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 225-0303
Directions are available at the Grappone website. In brief:
From the North:
I-93 South to exit 15W. Turn right at stop sign and proceed to flashing yellow light. Turn right at flashing yellow light onto Commercial Street. Proceed to stop sign and turn right, continuing on Commercial Street, and turn right into Corporate Center at Horseshoe Pond.
From the South:
I-93 North to exit 15W (393/202 West). Turn right at flashing yellow light onto Commercial Street. Proceed to stop sign and turn right, continuing on Commercial Street and turn right into Corporate Center at Horseshoe Pond.