STRATEGIC PLANThe New Hampshire Association of School Psychologists establishes goals to direct our course every three to five years. During the strategic planning process we reflect upon our profession, our association, and the concerns facing children, families, and schools. This process is made rich by the ideas, vision, and creativity of NHASP members and representatives from other arenas who share our interest in the success and well-being of all children. Formal opportunities to work collaboratively with our colleagues and the larger community dedicated to children's success point our way forward while enhancing our vision and renewing our strength. VisionAll children and youth have access to safe and supportive environments that promote their learning, behavioral, and mental health so that they thrive develop and promote resilience throughout life. MissionNHASP serves its members by advocating for comprehensive and integrated school psychological services that advance the learning, behavior, and mental health of all children and youth of New Hampshire. | GoalsGoals represent outcome-oriented statements intended to guide and measure NHASP’s future success SOCIAL JUSTICEEnsure that all children, youth, and families are valued and that their rights and opportunities are protected in schools and communities. WORKFORCE SHORTAGESRecruit a high-quality and diverse school psychology workforce to meet an increasing demand for comprehensive and integrated services. LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENTSchool psychologists organize to develop leadership skills and work collaboratively with stakeholders to effect change at the local, state, and national level. NASP PRACTICE MODELSchool psychologists, state education agencies, and local education agencies implement the NASP Model for Comprehensive and Integrated School Psychological Services (NASP Practice Model). MENTAL/BEHAVIORAL HEALTH PROVIDERSAll school psychologists provide culturally competent, evidence-based, comprehensive mental and behavioral health (MBH) services. |