NHASP Annual Seasonal Conference
Wednesday, June 6th, 2018
At the NEA-NH Building, Concord,NH
Every Student Tells a Story: Linking Evaluation Results, Clinical Impressions, Accommodations, and Interventions
Presented by
Nate Jones, Ph.D., NCSP, BCBA
4:45 p.m. - 8:15 p.m
Registration Begins at 4:30 p.m.
NEA-NH Building, 2nd Floor
9 South Spring St, Concord, NH 03301
Continuing Education Credits
3.0 CE credits are available for this event!
NHASP is a NASP-approved provider of CPD hours and Certificates of Attendance will be accepted toward NCSP. A total of 3.0 CE credits will be awarded for this event.
Workshop Description
Every student tells a story. Understanding the connections between that story and the world around the student is key to designing interventions that work. When we evaluate the educational needs of a student, we are faced with the task of finding these connections, seeing the links between the student and their world, and uncovering areas for intervention. For school psychologists, this can mean challenging ourselves to move beyond our core evaluation results to see how those results fit the student’s world.
This session will present a model that guides this search. The process of designing an assessment strategy that links how the student understands information, processes that information, and then produces a response will be discussed. This strategy will be embedded in an understanding of the student’s basic needs, environment, individual strengths and weaknesses, and overall diagnostic impressions. Through this model, the series of accommodations, modifications, and instructional strategies appropriate for the student can be clarified in a manner readily understood by others.
The focus for the second half of this presentation will be on advocating for this approach to assessment and intervention in the schools. School psychologists can face a range of roadblocks, including limited time, expanding case loads, and administrative resistance. Through group discussion and case examples, participants will explore ways to overcome these roadblocks.
Learning Objectives
Participants in this professional development session will be able to:
1 Identify at least 3 models of child development linked to evaluations.
2. Describe how evaluation tools can be linked to evaluation questions.
3. Describe how to identify links between a student's strengths and weaknesses and recommendations for accommodations, modifications, and interventions.
4. Generate strategies to overcoming roadblocks to more in-depth assessments, comprehensive interventions, and offering diagnostic impressions.
About the Presenter

Dr. Nate Jones is the current NH and National School Psychologist of the Year. He is a NH certified School Psychologist, NH Licensed Psychologist, and a BCBA. He received a B.A. in Psychology from Harvard and a M.A. in Education and a Ph.D. in School Psychology from the University of Connecticut. Nate is the Chief Psychologist at SERESC in Bedford, NH and coordinates a large consulting team of school psychologists, psychologists, and BCBAs. He serves on the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Ethics and Professional Practice Committee (EPPC) as the Western Regional Representative. He is also a past-president of the NHASP and past NH Delegate to NASP.
Through SERESC, Nate provides consultation and evaluation of students with complex learning, mental health, developmental, and medical disabilities. He is the coordinator of the Medical Educational Therapeutic Evaluation team at SERESC that provides interdisciplinary evaluations and consultations for student with complex medical disabilities. Nate has provided multiple trainings at state, regional, and national conferences for professionals, family members, and students.
4:30 pm: Registration Opens
4:45 pm: Workshop Session I
6:00 pm: Break
6:15 pm: Workshop Session II
8:00 pm: Workshop ends
The location is in Concord on South Spring Street. Click here for location information offered by NEA-NH.
Registration Information
This presentation will be limited to 40 people. The conference fee includes dinner. Please list any dietary restrictions or other special needs. Please be sure to enter your email address above as well.
All registrations must be prepaid or be associated with a valid purchase order number. Payment receipt will be sent to address provided upon request. Cancellations received prior to June 1, 2018 will be refunded less a 5% administrative fee. No refunds will be provided for cancellations received after 5pm on Friday, June 1, 2018. In case of inclement weather, notification of postponement will be made by email as soon as possible.
This event is provided at a reduced registration fee exclusively to members of the NH Association of School Psychologists.
For questions, please contact Jeff McNish, NHASP President, jmcnishnhasp@gmail.com