NHASP Annual Fall Conference
Monday, November 5th, 2018
At the Grappone Conference Center
Evidence-based Evaluation of English Language Learners: A contemporary approach to testing for all practitioners
Presented by
Samuel Ortiz, Ph.D.
8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m
Registration Begins at 7:45 a.m.
Grappone Conference Center
70 Constitution Ave, Concord, NH 03301
Click here for the print brochure
Continuing Education Credits
5.5 CE credits are available for this event!
This program is co-sponsored by the New Hampshire Psychological Association (NHPA) and NHASP. NHPA is approved by the American Psychological Association to offer continuing education for psychologists. These credits are also accepted by the State Board of Mental Health Practice and the State Board of Psychologists for all NH licensees. NHPA maintains responsibility for this program and its content. NHPA can be contacted at www.nhpaonline.org.
NHASP is a NASP-approved provider of CPD hours and Certificates of Attendance will be accepted toward NCSP. A total of 5.5 CE credits will be awarded for this event.
Workshop Description
This intermediate level presentation is appropriate for school psychologists, SAIF's, educational evaluators, speech-language pathologists, special education directors, ELL teachers, and those involved in assessment of ELL students at any level.
This presentation outlines an evidence-based approach to evaluating English Language Learners with emphasis on contemporary methods for using tests in a nondiscriminatory manner. Specific procedures are presented which permit any evaluator to conduct assessments of English Language Learners in a manner that can generate valid data to support conclusions and dianostic decisions. Advances in tests and testing will be presented, including the dual-norming feature of the Ortiz PVAT and its utility in resolving the question of “difference vs. disorder.” Topics include: understanding bias in testing; issues regarding test score validity; advantages and disadvantages of typical methods for evaluating English Language Learners; the importance of “true peer” comparisons, research foundations and use of the Culture-Language Test Classifications and Interpretive Matrix, and application of the new Ortiz PVAT for evaluation of both native English speakers and English Language Learners via a dual-norming feature that controls for relative exposure in learning English. The knowledge and skills gained will be useful to practitioners at all levels and provide a solid base for engaging in evaluation of English Language Learners that incorporates contemporary research and advances in tests and testing.
Note, conference slides will be sent electronically, not printed.
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this program, participants will be able to:
1) Explain the true nature of bias in testing as a function of construct validity.
2) Identify the limitations of various approaches to testing English Language Learners and the extent to which validity is undermined by cultural and linguistic factors.
3) Apply research findings in a manner that permits a “true peer” comparison for English Language Learners
4) Apply and use the Culture-Language Test Classifications and Interpretive Matrix as a method for evaluating the extent to which cultural and linguistic factors may have compromised the validity of test performance and results.
5) Explain the dual-norming structure of the Ortiz PVAT and its relevance to testing.
6) Draw valid conclusions regarding Gc/language ability as guided by results from the Ortiz PVAT
7) Engage in competent and valid evaluation of any individual regardless of language background
About the Presenter

Dr. Ortiz is Professor of Psychology at St. John's University, New York. He holds a Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the University of Southern California and a credential in school psychology with postdoctoral training in bilingual school psychology from San Diego State University. He has served as Visiting Professor and Research Fellow at Nagoya University, Japan, as Vice President for Professional Affairs of APA Division 16 (School Psychology), as member and Chair of APA’s Committee on Psychological Tests and Assessment, as member of the Coalition for Psychology in Schools and Education, as representative on the New York State Committee of Practitioners on ELL and LEP Students, and as member of APA Presidential Task Force on Educational Disparities.
Dr. Ortiz serves or has served on various editorial boards including Journal of School Psychology, School Psychology Quarterly, and Journal of Applied School Psychology. He is an internationally recognized expert on a variety of topics including nondiscriminatory assessment, evaluation of English learners, Cross-Battery Assessment (XBA), and specific learning disabilities. He is author or co-author of the Ortiz Picture Vocabulary Acquisition Test, the Woodcock-Camarata Articulation Battery--Spanish, and the Cross-Battery Assessment Software System (X-BASS v2.0). His books include “Assessment of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students: A practical guide,” and “Essentials of Cross-Battery Assessment, 3rd Edition.” Dr. Ortiz is bilingual (Spanish) and bicultural (Puerto Rican).
7:45 am: Registration Opens/Breakfast
8:30-10:00: Workshop Session I
10:00-10:15: Morning Break
10:15-12:00: Workshop Session II
12:00-1:00: Lunch
1:00-2:00: Workshop Session III
2:00-2:15: Afternoon Break
2:15-3:30: Workshop Session IV
3:30 pm: Conference Ends
Directions to the Grappone Conference Center can be found at this link.
Registration Information
Conference Fee includes continental breakfast, snacks, and lunch buffet. Please list any dietary restrictions or other special needs. Please be sure to enter your email address above as well.
All registrations must be prepaid or be associated with a valid purchase order number. Payment receipt will be sent to address provided upon request. Cancellations received prior to October 31, 2018 will be refunded less a 5% administrative fee. No refunds will be provided for cancellations received after 5pm on Wednesday, October 31, 2018. In case of inclement weather, notification of postponement will be made by email as soon as possible.
*Students currently enrolled in a school psychology or school counseling program receive a reduced registration fee.
For those interested in paying by check, please click here for the print brochure. You may register online and then mail a check using this form. Please indicate you have already registered online on the paper form when mailing.
For questions, please contact Chris Nelson, NHASP President, cnelsonnhasp@gmail.com