NHASP Annual Spring Conference
September 24th, 2020
This event has been cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions. We are working with the Dr. Feifer to come to NH on another date in the future. Anyone who was registered and would like a refund can email , CPA
The Neuropsychology of Reading and Written Language Disorders:
A Framework for Effective Interventions
Presented by
Steven Feifer, D.Ed., ABSNP
8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Registration Begins at 7:45 a.m.
Location TBD
Click here for the print brochure
Continuing Education Credits
5.5 CE credits are available for this event!
NHASP is a NASP-approved provider of CPD hours and Certificates of Attendance will be accepted toward NCSP.
For NH Licensed Psychologists, NASP-approved CPD hours are considered Category A credits for license renewal in NH.
Workshop Description
This intermediate level presentation is appropriate for school psychologists, SAIF's, educational evaluators, speech-language pathologists, special education directors, and other educators who work with students at any level.
This one-day conference will examine reading and written language disorders from a brain-based educational perspective, and classify both dyslexia and dysgraphia into seven distinct subtypes. There will be a detailed discussion linking each learning disorder’s subtype with scores of evidence-based interventions. Four universal truths when teaching reading will be shared, in addition to five essential steps for effective written language instruction. The role of phonological processing, orthographic processing, working memory, language and motor skill development, and executive functioning will be discussed as being crucial for effective literacy skills to emerge. Lastly, the Feifer Assessment of Reading (FAR) and Feifer Assessment of Writing (FAW) batteries will be introduced as a more effective means to both identify and remediate language-based learning disabilities in children.
Note, conference slides will be sent electronically, not printed.
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this program, participants will be able to:
- Examine current literacy rates in the United States and New Hampshire and examine trends in reading achievement.
- Differentiate “developmental dyslexia” from other learning disorders, and discuss how schools can best screen for early reading pitfalls in children.
- Introduce a brain-based educational model of reading and written language disorders by classifying each disability into basic subtypes, with specific remediation strategies linked to each subtype.
- Discuss five essential steps for effective written language instruction.
- Introduce the Feifer Assessment of Reading (FAR) and Feifer Assessment of Writing (FAW) as a more viable means to both diagnose and remediate subtypes of learning disorders in children.
About the Presenter

Steven G. Feifer, D. Ed., NCSP, ABSNP is an internationally renowned speaker and author in the field of learning disabilities, and has authored eight books on learning and emotional disorders in children. He has more than 20 years of experience as a school psychologist, and is dually certified in school neuropsychology. Dr. Feifer was voted the Maryland School Psychologist of the Year in 2008, and awarded the 2009 National School Psychologist of the Year. He was the recipient of the 2018 Outstanding Contribution to the Education and Training of Psychologists award by the Maryland Psychological Association.
Dr. Feifer serves as a consultant to a variety of school districts, and is a popular presenter at state and national conferences. He has authored three tests on diagnosing learning disabilities in children, all of which are published by PAR.
7:45 am: Registration Opens/Breakfast
8:30-10:00: Workshop Session I
10:00-10:15: Morning Break
10:15-12:00: Workshop Session II
12:00-1:00: Lunch
1:00-2:00: Workshop Session III
2:00-2:15: Afternoon Break
2:15-3:30: Workshop Session IV
3:30 pm: Conference Ends
Directions to the DoubleTree in Manchester can be found at this link.
Registration Information
Conference Fee includes continental breakfast, snacks, and lunch buffet. Please list any dietary restrictions or other special needs. Please be sure to enter your email address above as well.
All registrations must be prepaid or be associated with a valid purchase order number. Payment receipt will be sent to address provided upon request. Cancellations received prior to March 25, 2020 will be refunded less a 5% administrative fee. No refunds will be provided for cancellations received after 5pm on Monday, March 25th, 2020. In case of inclement weather, notification of postponement will be made by email as soon as possible.
*Students currently enrolled in a school psychology or school counseling program receive a reduced registration fee.
For those interested in paying by check, please click here for the print brochure. You may register online and then mail a check using this form. Please indicate you have already registered online on the paper form when mailing.
For questions, please contact Ryan Long, NHASP President, ryanlongspnh@gmail.com