Behavioral Assessment of Youth: Where Comorbidity Is the Norm, Not the Exception
Presented by Dr. Sam Goldstein, Ph.D.
This is a two part virtual event. All registrants receive an invitation to Dr. Goldstein's live presentations on October 9th and 23rd. Additionally, video recordings will be available to registered participants.
The PDF brochure for this event is available here
Workshop Description
School psychologists are increasingly faced with the evaluation of students demonstrating symptoms, behaviors and impairments characteristic of multiple mental health disorders and IDEIA/ADA eligibilities. For example, children with autism typically suffer from two additional psychiatric disorders such as ADHD, Oppositional Defiance or a specific learning disability. Children with anxiety, depression and learning disability typically suffer from one or two additional disorders. Three out of ten leading causes of disability in children and young adults are mental disorders and the other causes are often associated with mental disorders.
Further, more than half of children with mental health disorders typically suffer from some type of medical condition. Among children in foster care, more than half experience diagnosed mental health disorders. Retrospective and prospective research has shown that most adult mental and developmental disorders begin in childhood and adolescence. Results of current studies indicate that about one out of every three to four youth is estimated to experience a mental health or developmental disorder. School psychologists are increasingly confronted not only with evaluating these children, but also guiding eligibility determination, development of IEPs, implementation and progress monitoring.
Session 1 (90 Minutes): Dr. Goldstein will review the literature demonstrating the increasing presentation of students meeting multiple diagnostic and eligibility criteria, discuss the prevalence and correlates of various disorders as they present in children and review the risk factors associated with increased vulnerability.
Session 2 (90 Minutes): Dr. Goldstein will then offer a comprehensive framework to assist school psychologists in evaluating the development, emotions, behavior and social relations of complex students utilizing valid and reliable behavioral, observer and self-report scales. He will provide a means of understanding and integrating data to assist in developing IEP goals, implementation and progress monitoring. In particular he will focus the role of Psychology Board Licensed School Psychologists in New Hampshire evaluating eligible youth for Medicaid qualification focusing on DSM 5 diagnoses. Finally, he will address the Pandemic impact on children and school based assessment.
Please note, Dr. Goldstein is the author of some assessment tools that will be discussed as part of this presentation.
About the Presenter

Dr. Goldstein obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Utah and is licensed as a psychologist and certified as a Developmental Disabilities Evaluator in the State of Utah. He is Board Certified as a Pediatric Neuropsychologist by the American Board of Pediatric Neuropsychology. He is listed in the Council for the National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology. He is also an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, The University of Utah School of Medicine.
He has served as the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Attention Disorders for the past twelve years. He is a former Contributing Editor to Attention Magazine. He currently sits on the Editorial Boards of six peer-reviewed scientific journals. He has authored, co-edited or co-authored over fifty clinical and trade publications including the Handbook of DSM-5 Disorders in Children (2017) and the Practitioner’s Guide to Assessing Intelligence and Achievement (2011). He has also authored three dozen book chapters and nearly three dozen peer-reviewed scientific studies. He is co-author of eight psychological and neuropsychological tests including the Autism Spectrum rating Scales.
Since 1980, he has served as Clinical Director of The Neurology, Learning and Behavior Center in Salt Lake City, Utah providing evaluation, case management and treatment services for approximately 700 children and adults each year with histories of neurological disease and trauma, learning disability, adjustment difficulties and developmental disorders.
Continuing Education Credits
3.0 CE credits are available for this event! NHASP is a NASP-approved provider of CPD hours and Certificates of Attendance will be accepted toward NCSP.
For NH Licensed Psychologists, NASP-approved CPD hours are considered Category A credits for license renewal in NH.
Target Audience
School Psychologists, Psychologists, School Counselors, School-based Mental Health and Social Workers, Teachers, and Administrators.
Learning Objectives
Over the course of this workshop, participants will:
- Identify at least 3 relevant factors from childhood developmental that impact mental disorders and co-morbidity.
- Discuss IDEIA eligibility criteria and youth meeting multiple eligibilities.
- Define a neuropsychological perspective to understand children’s learning, behavior, and development.
- Develop a practical framework including methods and tools to assess children presenting with possible multiple eligibilities and DSM 5 diagnoses.
- Discuss a method to educate IEP team members about assessment results to facilitate appropriate placement, services, and goals
Registration Information
Registration is open to any practitioner (e.g., school psychologist, psychologist, learning disability assessment specialist) who would like to participate, not just NHASP members. Registrations must be received by October 2nd, 2020 at noon EST so register now! Cancellations received by October 2nd, 2020 at noon will be paid in full, minus a 5% processing fee.
Online payments will be accepted for this event. Please note that NHASP is now using payment processing from Wild Apricot to simplify your checkout process. You will no longer be re-directed to PayPal for payment. If you prefer to pay by check, please use this form.
*Students currently enrolled in a school psychology or school counseling program receive a reduced registration fee.
Once you have registered and close to the event day, you will receive an email from NHASP providing you with a link to the live virtual event.
For questions, please contact NHASP President Travis Bickford.